Animal Sound Recordings
Birds / Vögel
These recordings have been made using SENNHEISER microphones K3/ME80, ME88, K6/ME62,64,66 or MKH60 connected to either a SONY DAT recorder TCD-D3, Marantz PMD 671, TASCAM DR-1, HD-P2, SONY PCM-M10, PCM-D50 or Fostex FR2-LE. Spectrograms were created in Avisoft-SASLab Pro.
English Species Name | German Species Name | Scientific Name | Recording Site | Size | Play | |
Little Grebe | Zwergtaucher | Tachybaptus ruficollis | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 103k | ||
Little Grebe | Zwergtaucher | Tachybaptus ruficollis | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 104k | ||
Bittern | Rohrdommel | Botaurus stellaris | Germany, Müritz National Park | 158k | ||
Corncrake | Wachtelkönig | Crex crex | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 145k | ||
Corncrake | Wachtelkönig | Crex crex | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 308k | ||
Black Tern | Trauerseeschwalbe | Chlidonias niger | Germany, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern | 170k | ||
Oystercatcher | Austernfischer | Haematopus ostralegus | Germany, Amrum | 128k | ||
Little Ringed Plover | Flußregenpfeifer | Charadrius dubius | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 38k | ||
Lapwing | Kiebitz | Vanellus vanellus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 27k | ||
Scops Owl | Zwergohreule | Otus scops | Greece, Kos | 75k | ||
Long-eared Owl (juveniles) | Waldohreule | Asio otus | Germany, Jena | 103k | ||
Wryneck | Wendehals | Jynx torquilla | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 77k | ||
Wryneck | Wendehals | Jynx torquilla | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 452k | ||
Great Spotted Woodpecker | Buntspecht | Dendrocopos major | Germany, Berlin Pankow | 81k | ||
Great Spotted Woodpecker (juveniles) | Buntspecht | Dendrocopos major | Germany, Darss | 66k | ||
Great Spotted Woodpecker (juveniles) | Buntspecht | Dendrocopos major | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 244k | photo | |
Great Spotted Woodpecker | Buntspecht | Dendrocopos major | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh (map) | 32k | ||
Great Spotted Woodpecker | Buntspecht | Dendrocopos major | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 413k | mp3 | |
Great Spotted Woodpecker | Buntspecht | Dendrocopos major | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 266k | ||
Great Spotted Woodpecker | Buntspecht | Dendrocopos major | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 223k | ||
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker | Kleinspecht | Picoides minor | Germany, Schorfheide | 55k | ||
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker | Kleinspecht | Picoides minor | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 79k | ||
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker | Kleinspecht | Picoides minor | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 68k | ||
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker | Kleinspecht | Picoides minor | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 63k | ||
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker | Kleinspecht | Picoides minor | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 127k | ||
Lesser Spotted Woodpecker | Kleinspecht | Picoides minor | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal (map), (stereo soundscape) | 682k | ||
Green Woodpecker | Grünspecht | Picus viridis | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 66k | ||
Black Woodpecker | Schwarzspecht | Dryocopus martius | Germany, Jena | 40k | ||
Black Woodpecker | Schwarzspecht | Dryocopus martius | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 119k | ||
Wood Warbler | Waldlaubsänger | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | Germany, Berlin-Schönholz | 234k | ||
Wood Warbler | Waldlaubsänger | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | Germany, Berlin-Schönholz | 206k | ||
Wood Warbler | Waldlaubsänger | Phylloscopus sibilatrix | Germany, Berlin-Schönholz | 122k | ||
Skylark | Feldlerche | Alauda arvensis | Germany, Amrum | 238k | ||
Blue Tit | Blaumeise | Parus caeruleus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 26k | ||
Blue Tit | Blaumeise | Parus caeruleus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 82k | ||
Mountain Chickadee | Gambelimeise | Parus gambeli | North America, Arizona, Grand Canyon | 62k | ||
Penduline Tit | Beutelmeise | Remiz pendulinus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) | 17k | ||
Penduline Tit | Beutelmeise | Remiz pendulinus | Germany, Berlin-Lübars (map) | 632k | ||
Nuthatch | Kleiber | Sitta europaea | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 85k | ||
Nuthatch | Kleiber | Sitta europaea | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 40k | ||
Nuthatch | Kleiber | Sitta europaea | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 86k | ||
Nuthatch | Kleiber | Sitta europaea | Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen | 1.3MB | ||
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Kanadakleiber | Sitta canadensis | North America, Arizona | 37k | ||
Canyon Wren | Schluchtenzaunkönig | Catherpes mexicanus | North America, Arizona | 98k | ||
Wren | Zaunkönig | Troglodytes troglodytes | Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen | 106k | ||
Wren | Zaunkönig | Troglodytes troglodytes | Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen | 234k | ||
Hedge Sparrow | Heckenbraunelle | Prunella modularis | Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen | 101k | ||
Hedge Sparrow | Heckenbraunelle | Prunella modularis | Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen | 110k | ||
Hedge Sparrow | Heckenbraunelle | Prunella modularis | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 2.3MB | ||
Tree Pipit | Baumpieper | Anthus trivialis | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 104kB | ||
Tree Pipit | Baumpieper | Anthus trivialis | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 218k | ||
Tree Pipit | Baumpieper | Anthus trivialis | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 154k | ||
Tawny Pipit | Brachpieper | Anthus campestris | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) | 10k | ||
Blue-headed Wagtail | Schafstelze | Motacilla flava | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 20k | ||
Blue-headed Wagtail | Schafstelze | Motacilla flava | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 458k | ||
Berthelot’s Pipit | Kanarenpieper | Anthus berthelotii | Spain, Tenerife (Canary Islands) | 10k | photo | |
Pied Flycatcher | Trauerschnäpper | Ficedula hypoleuca | Germany, Müritz National Park | 175k | ||
Black Redstart | Hausrotschwanz | Phoenicurus ochruros | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 163k | ||
Whinchat | Braunkehlchen | Saxicola rubetra | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 84k | ||
Whinchat | Braunkehlchen | Saxicola rubetra | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 66k | ||
Nightingale | Nachtigall | Luscinia megarhynchos | Greece, Rhodes | 179k | ||
Nightingale | Nachtigall | Luscinia megarhynchos | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 140k | ||
Nightingale | Nachtigall | Luscinia megarhynchos | Germany, Berlin-Lübars (map) | 772 kB | wav | |
Robin | Rotkehlchen | Erithacus rubecula | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 277k | ||
Chiffchaff | Zilpzalp | Phylloscopus collybita | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 50k | ||
Chiffchaff | Zilpzalp | Phylloscopus collybita | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 145k | ||
Chiffchaff, calls | Zilpzalp | Phylloscopus collybita | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 87k | ||
Chiffchaff | Zilpzalp | Phylloscopus collybita canariensis | Spain, La Palma (Canary Islands) | 102k | ||
Chiffchaff, calls | Zilpzalp | Phylloscopus collybita canariensis | Spain, La Palma (Canary Islands) | 109k | ||
Willow Warbler | Fitis | Phylloscopus trochilus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 64k | ||
Willow Warbler | Fitis | Phylloscopus trochilus | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 310k | ||
Grasshopper Warbler | Feldschwirl | Locustella naevia | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 122k | ||
Grasshopper Warbler | Feldschwirl | Locustella naevia | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 426k | ||
Savi’s Warbler | Rohrschwirl | Locustella luscinioides | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 120k | ||
River Warbler | Schlagschwirl | Locustella fluviatilis | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 107k | ||
River Warbler | Schlagschwirl | Locustella fluviatilis | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 717k | ||
Great Reed-Warbler | Drosselrohrsänger | Acrocephalus arundinaceus | Greece, Kos | 141k | ||
Great Reed-Warbler | Drosselrohrsänger | Acrocephalus arundinaceus | Germany, Berlin-Arkenberge | 318k | ||
Great Reed-Warbler | Drosselrohrsänger | Acrocephalus arundinaceus | Germany, Berlin-Arkenberge | 550k | ||
Fan-tailed Warbler | Cistensänger | Cisticola juncidis | Greece, Kos | 161k | ||
Fan-tailed Warbler | Cistensänger | Cisticola juncidis | Greece, Kos | 321k | ||
Barred Warbler | Sperbergrasmücke | Sylvia nisoria | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 56k | ||
Barred Warbler | Sperbergrasmücke | Sylvia nisoria | Germany, Darss | 136k | ||
Garden Warbler | Gartengrasmücke | Sylvia borin | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 107k | ||
Garden Warbler | Gartengrasmücke | Sylvia borin | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 213k | ||
Blackcap | Mönchsgrasmücke | Sylvia atricapilla | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 146k | ||
Blackcap | Mönchsgrasmücke | Sylvia atricapilla | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 128k | ||
Blackcap | Mönchsgrasmücke | Sylvia atricapilla | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 296k | ||
Blackcap | Mönchsgrasmücke | Sylvia atricapilla | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 493k | ||
Blackcap | Mönchsgrasmücke | Sylvia atricapilla | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) (stereo soundscape) | 504k | ||
Whitethroat | Dorngrasmücke | Sylvia communis | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 61k | ||
Whitethroat | Dorngrasmücke | Sylvia communis | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 68k | ||
Whitethroat | Dorngrasmücke | Sylvia communis | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 50k | ||
Lesser Whitethroat | Klappergrasmücke | Sylvia curruca | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 51k | ||
Marsh Warbler | Sumpfrohrsänger | Acrocephalus palustris | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 131k | ||
Marsh Warbler | Sumpfrohrsänger | Acrocephalus palustris | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 123k | ||
Reed Warbler | Teichrohrsänger | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 114k | ||
Reed Warbler | Teichrohrsänger | Acrocephalus scirpaceus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 116k | ||
Black-throated Gray Warbler | Trauerwaldsänger | Dendroica nigrescens | North America, Arizona | 29k | ||
Red-winged Blackbird | Rotschulterstärling | Agelaius phoeniceus | North America, Arizona, Grand Canyon | 101k | ||
Chaffinch | Buchfink | Fringilla coelebs | Germany, Berlin-Niederschoehausen | 107k | ||
Chaffinch | Buchfink | Fringilla coelebs | Germany, Berlin-Niederschoehausen | 100k | ||
Corn Bunting | Grauammer | Emberiza calandra | Greece, Kos | 92k | ||
Corn Bunting | Grauammer | Emberiza calandra | Germany, Berlin-Frohnau | 111k | ||
Corn Bunting | Grauammer | Emberiza calandra | Germany, Berlin-Frohnau | 179k | ||
Corn Bunting | Grauammer | Emberiza calandra | Greece, Kos | 206k | ||
Reed Bunting | Rohrammer | Emberiza schoeniclus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 51k | ||
Reed Bunting | Rohrammer | Emberiza schoeniclus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 60k | ||
Yellow Hammer | Goldammer | Emberiza citrinella | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 105k | ||
Yellow Hammer | Goldammer | Emberiza citrinella | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 147k | ||
Yellow Hammer (call) | Goldammer | Emberiza citrinella | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 10k | ||
Yellow Hammer | Goldammer | Emberiza citrinella | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 230k | ||
Black-headed Bunting | Kappenammer | Emberiza melanocephala | Greece, Kos | 95k | ||
Black-headed Bunting | Kappenammer | Emberiza melanocephala | Greece, Kos | 250k | ||
Black-headed Bunting | Kappenammer | Emberiza melanocephala | Greece, Kos | 248k | ||
Cretzschmar’s Bunting | Grauortolan | Emberiza caesia | Greece, Kos | 54k | ||
Cretzschmar’s Bunting | Grauortolan | Emberiza caesia | Greece, Kos | 873k | ||
Cretzschmar’s Bunting | Grauortolan | Emberiza caesia | Greece, Kos | 816k | ||
Serin | Girlitz | Serinus serinus | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 88k | ||
Serin | Girlitz | Serinus serinus | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 4.11MB | ||
Serin | Girlitz | Serinus serinus | Spain, Mallorca, C’an Picafort | 980kB | ||
Hawfinch | Kernbeißer | Coccothraustes coccothraustes | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 47k | ||
Hawfinch | Kernbeißer | Coccothraustes coccothraustes | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 709k | ||
Icterine Warbler | Gelbspötter | Hippolais icterina | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 107k | ||
Icterine Warbler | Gelbspötter | Hippolais icterina | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 596k | ||
Icterine Warbler | Gelbspötter | Hippolais icterina | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 3.4MB | ||
Goldcrest | Wintergoldhähnchen | Regulus regulus | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 118k | ||
Goldcrest | Wintergoldhähnchen | Regulus regulus | Germany, Berlin-Schönholz | 171k | ||
Goldcrest | Wintergoldhähnchen | Regulus regulus | Germany, Berlin-Schönholz | 148k | ||
Vervain Hummingbird | Kolibri | Mellisuga minima | Dominican Republic, Samana (map) | 124k | ||
Northern Mockingbird | Mimus polyglottos | Dominican Republic, Samana | 149k | |||
Antillian Grackle | Quiscalus niger | Dominican Republic, Samana | 59k | photo | ||
Tree creeper | Gartenbaumläufer | Certhia familiaris | Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen | 76k | ||
Tree creeper | Gartenbaumläufer | Certhia familiaris | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 72k | ||
Siskin | Erlenzeisig | Carduelis spinus | Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen | 100k | ||
Siskin | Erlenzeisig | Carduelis spinus | Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen | 328k | ||
Greenfinch | Grünfink | Carduelis chloris | Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen | 100k | ||
Greenfinch | Grünfink | Carduelis chloris | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 359k | ||
Greenfinch | Grünfink | Carduelis chloris | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 127k | ||
Great tit | Kohlmeise | Parus major | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 19k | ||
Great tit | Kohlmeise | Parus major | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 24k | ||
Great tit | Kohlmeise | Parus major | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 27k | ||
Great tit | Kohlmeise | Parus major | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 67k | ||
Great tit | Kohlmeise | Parus major | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 345k | ||
Great tit | Kohlmeise | Parus major | Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen | 232k | ||
House Sparrow | Haussperling | Passer domesticus | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 121k | ||
Scarlet Grosbeak | Karmingimpel | Carpodacus erythrinus | Germany, Darss | 43k | ||
Thrush Nightingale | Sprosser | Luscinia luscinia | Germany, Darss | 213k | ||
Song Thrush | Singdrossel | Turdus philomelos | Germany, Darss | 228k | ||
Song Thrush | Singdrossel | Turdus philomelos | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 406k | ||
Starling | Star | Sturnus vulgaris | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 223k | ||
Raven | Kolkrabe | Corvus corax | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 9k | ||
Raven | Kolkrabe | Corvus corax | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 92k | ||
Buzzard | Mäusebussard | Buteo buteo | Germany, Berlin-Schildow | 40k | ||
Long-tailed Tit | Schwanzmeise | Aegithalos caudatus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 43k | ||
Long-tailed Tit | Schwanzmeise | Aegithalos caudatus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 28k | ||
Long-tailed Tit | Schwanzmeise | Aegithalos caudatus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 46k | ||
Marsh Harrier | Rohrweihe | Circus aeruginosus | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal (map) | 28k | ||
Marsh Harrier | Rohrweihe | Circus aeruginosus | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 37k | ||
Marsh Harrier | Rohrweihe | Circus aeruginosus | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 94k | ||
Cuckoo | Kuckuck | Cuculus canorus | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal (map) | 61k | ||
Blackbird | Amsel | Turdus merula | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 128k | ||
Blackbird | Amsel | Turdus merula | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 87k | ||
Redstart | Gartenrotschwanz | Phoenicurus phoenicurus | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 98k | ||
Redstart | Gartenrotschwanz | Phoenicurus phoenicurus | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 2.18MB | ||
Redstart | Gartenrotschwanz | Phoenicurus phoenicurus | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 2.3MB | ||
Spottend Flycatcher | Grauschnäpper | Muscicapa striata | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 171k | ||
Golden Oriole | Pirol | Oriolus oriolus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 22k | ||
Golden Oriole | Pirol | Oriolus oriolus | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 220k | ||
Golden Oriole | Pirol | Oriolus oriolus | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 89k | ||
Swift | Mauersegler | Apus apus | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 229k | ||
Wood Pigeon | Ringeltaube | Columba palumbus | Germany, Berlin-Schönholz | 32k | ||
Common Tern | Flußseeschwalbe | Sterna hirundo | Germany, Parsteiner See | 286k | ||
Squacco Heron | Rallenreiher | Ardeola ralloides | Greece, Crete, Rethymnon | 148k | ||
Hooded Crow | Nebelkrähe | Corvus corone | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 134k | ||
Hooded Crow | Nebelkrähe | Corvus corone | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 347k | ||
Coal Tit | Tannemmeise | Parus ater | Germany, Mühlenbeck near Berlin | 124k | ||
Water Rail | Wasserralle | Rallus aquaticus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 296k | ||
Woodlark | Heidelerche | Lullula arborea | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 348k | ||
Linnet | Bluthänfling | Acanthis cannabina | Germany, Berlin-Arkenberge | 173k | ||
Wheatear | Steinschmätzer | Oenanthe oenanthe | Germany, Berlin-Arkenberge | 55k | ||
Sand Martin | Uferschwalbe | Riparia riparia | Germany, Berlin-Arkenberge | 25k | ||
Goshawk | Habicht | Accipiter gentilis | Germany, Berlin-Nordend | 291k | ||
Sardinian Warbler | Samtkopfgrasmücke | Sylvia melanocephala | Greece, Kos | 435k | ||
Sardinian Warbler | Samtkopfgrasmücke | Sylvia melanocephala | Greece, Kos | 824k | ||
Flamingo | Flamingo | Phoenicopterus ruber | Greece, Kos | 394k | ||
Alpine swift | Alpensegler | Apus melba | Greece, Kos | 156k | ||
Roller | Blauracke | Coracias garrulus | Greece, Kos (map) | 972k | ||
Jackdaw | Dohle | Corvus monedula | Greece, Kos | 163k | ||
Crested Lark | Haubenlerche | Galerida cristata | Greece, Kos | 463k | ||
Cetti’s Warbler | Seidensänger | Cettia cetti | Greece, Kos | 123k | ||
Cetti’s Warbler | Seidensänger | Cettia cetti | Spain, Mallorca, Albufera | 156k | ||
Olivaceous Warbler | Blaßspötter | Hippolais pallida | Greece, Kos | 1532k | ||
Black-eared Wheatear | Mittelmeersteinschmätzer | Oenanthe hispanica | Greece, Kos | 206k | ||
Bee-eater | Bienenfresser | Merops apiaster | Greece, Kos | 95k | ||
Red-backed Shrike | Rotrückenwürger | Lanius collurio | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) | 201k | ||
Common Snipe | Bekassine | Gallinago gallinago | Germany, Berlin-Lübars (map) | 423k | ||
Tree Sparrow | Feldsperling | Passer montanus | Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen (map) | 313k | ||
Hoopoe | Wiedehopf | Upupa epops | Greece, Halkidiki, Gerakini (map) | 1032k | ||
Willow Tit | Weidenmeise | Parus montanus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 353k | ||
Willow Tit | Weidenmeise | Parus montanus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 84k | ||
Willow Tit | Weidenmeise | Parus montanus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 1.2M | ||
Willow Tit | Weidenmeise | Parus montanus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 210k | ||
Mallard | Stockente | Anas platyrhynchos | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 229k | ||
Eurasian Coot | Bleßralle | Fulica atra | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 227k | ||
Little Egret | Seidenreiher | Egretta garzetta | Spain, Mallorca, Albufera | 1.04MB | ||
Black-winged Stilt | Stelzenläufer | Himantopus himantopus | Spain, Mallorca, Albufera | 298k | ||
European Stonechat | Schwarzkehlchen | Saxicola rubicola | Spain, Mallorca | 341k | ||
Subalpine Warbler | Weißbart-Grasmücke | Sylvia cantillans | Spain, Mallorca | 552k | ||
European Goldfinch | Stieglitz | Carduelis carduelis | Spain, Mallorca | 529k | ||
Grey Heron | Graureiher | Ardea cinerea | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 3.6MB | wav | |
Grey Heron | Graureiher | Ardea cinerea | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 701 kB | ||
Jackdaw | Dohle | Corvus monedula | Germany, Berlin | 1MB | wav | |
Eurasian Jay | Eichelhäher | Garrulus glandarius | Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen | 149k | ||
Eurasian Jay | Eichelhäher | Garrulus glandarius | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 127k | ||
Mute Swan | Höckerschwan | Cygnus olor | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 60k | ||
Greylag Goose | Graugans | Anser anser | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 1.4MB | ||
Common Crane | Kranich | Grus grus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 73k | ||
Common Crane | Kranich | Grus grus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 1.6Mb | ||
Tawny Owl | Waldkauz | Strix aluco | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 2.1MB |
Recordings labeled ‘USG’ were recorded with Avisoft-UltraSoundGate 116.
Bats / Fledermäuse
The following recordings have been made with Avisoft-UltraSoundGate 116-200. In order to make the recordings audible, the files have been slowed-down by factor 10. Spectrograms were created in Avisoft-SASLab Pro.
English Species Name | German Species Name | Scientific Name | Recording Site | Size | Play | |
Leisler’s Bat | Kleiner Abendsegler | Nyctalus leisleri | Co. Galway, Ireland | 23k | (2) | |
Leisler’s Bat (social calls) | Kleiner Abendsegler | Nyctalus leisleri | Great Britain | 189k | (3) | |
Noctule | Großer Abendsegler | Nyctalus noctula | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 136k | ||
Noctule | Großer Abendsegler | Nyctalus noctula | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 210k | ||
Noctule | Großer Abendsegler | Nyctalus noctula | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 439k | ||
Noctule | Großer Abendsegler | Nyctalus noctula | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 3.61MB | x17 | |
Common Pipistrelle | Zwergfledermaus | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 115k | ||
Common Pipistrelle | Zwergfledermaus | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 194k | ||
Common Pipistrelle | Zwergfledermaus | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 387k | ||
Common Pipistrelle | Zwergfledermaus | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 192k | ||
Common Pipistrelle | Zwergfledermaus | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 596k | ||
Common Pipistrelle | Zwergfledermaus | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 143k | ||
Common Pipistrelle | Zwergfledermaus | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Great Britain | 228k | (3) | |
Common Pipistrelle | Zwergfledermaus | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany | 269k | ||
Common Pipistrelle | Zwergfledermaus | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany | 237k | ||
Common Pipistrelle | Zwergfledermaus | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany | 383k | ||
Common Pipistrelle | Zwergfledermaus | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Germany, Berlin (stereo) |
325kB | ||
Common Pipistrelle | Zwergfledermaus | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Germany, Berlin (stereo) |
175kB | ||
Common Pipistrelle | Zwergfledermaus | Pipistrellus pipistrellus | Germany, Berlin (stereo) |
1.15MB | ||
Unidentified bat species with unusual amplitude modulation | Zwergfledermaus? | Pipistrellus pipistrellus? | Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany, 25.10.2009, 20:55 |
994k | ||
Soprano Pipistrelle | Mückenfledermaus | Pipistrellus pygmaeus | Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany | 440k | ||
Soprano Pipistrelle | Mückenfledermaus | Pipistrellus pygmaeus | Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany | 237k | ||
Nathusius’s Pipistrelle | Rauhhautfledermaus | Pipistrellus nathusii | Great Britain | 259k | (3) | |
Nathusius’s Pipistrelle | Rauhhautfledermaus | Pipistrellus nathusii | Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany | 193k | ||
Natterer’s Bat | Fransenfledermaus | Myotis nattereri | Great Britain | 409k | (3) | |
Daubenton’s Bat | Wasserfledermaus | Myotis daubentonii | Germany, Brandenburg, Fürstenwalde | 132k | ||
Daubenton’s Bat | Wasserfledermaus | Myotis daubentonii | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 207k | ||
Daubenton’s Bat | Wasserfledermaus | Myotis daubentonii | Great Britain | 869k | (3) | |
Serotine | Breitflügelfledermaus | Eptesicus serotinus | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 53k | ||
Serotine | Breitflügelfledermaus | Eptesicus serotinus | Great Britain | 360k | (3) | |
Barbastelle Bat | Mopsfledermaus | Barbastella barbastellus | Great Britain | 218k | (3) | |
Barbastelle Bat | Mopsfledermaus | Barbastella barbastellus | Bulgaria | 86k | (4) | |
unidentified | unbestimmt | ? | Malaysia, Bangi | 552k | ||
Mexican Free-tailed Bat | Brasilianische Bulldoggfledermaus; Guano Fledermaus | Tadarida brasiliensis | Bracken Cave, San Antonio, Texas, USA | 688k | ||
Mexican Free-tailed Bat (clutter) | Brasilianische Bulldoggfledermaus; Guano Fledermaus | Tadarida brasiliensis | Bracken Cave, San Antonio, Texas, USA | 173k | ||
Mexican Free-tailed Bat (more clutter) | Brasilianische Bulldoggfledermaus; Guano Fledermaus | Tadarida brasiliensis | Bracken Cave, San Antonio, Texas, USA | 126k | ||
Lesser Horseshoe Bat | Kleine Hufeisennase | Rhinolophus hipposideros | Co. Galway, Ireland | 633k | x20 (2) | |
Lesser Horseshoe Bat | Kleine Hufeisennase | Rhinolophus hipposideros | Great Britain | 542k | x20 (3) | |
Lesser Horseshoe Bat | Kleine Hufeisennase | Rhinolophus hipposideros | Bulgaria | 581k | x20 (4) | |
Greater Horseshoe Bat | Große Hufeisennase | Rhinolophus ferrumequinum | Great Britain | 249k | (3) | |
Greater Horseshoe Bat | Große Hufeisennase | Rhinolophus ferrumequinum | Bulgaria | 940k | x20 (4) | |
Mediterranean Horseshoe Bat | Mittelmeer-Hufeisennase | Rhinolophus euryale | Bulgaria | 388k | x20 (4) | |
Mehely’s Horseshoe Bat | Mehely-Hufeisennase | Rhinolophus mehelyi | Bulgaria | 1.18MB | x20 (4) | |
Blasius’s Horseshoe Bat | Blasius-Hufeisennase | Rhinolophus blasii | Bulgaria | 984k | x20 (4) | |
Brown long-eared bat | Braunes Langohr | Plecotus auritus | Berlin-Niederschönhausen, Germany | 240k |
(3) recorded by Danielle Linton (Wildlife Conservation Research Unit at Oxford University) with UltraSoundGate 116-200
(4) recorded by Matthias Göttsche (Stocksee, Germany) with UltraSoundGate 116Hme
More bat sounds can be found at
Cetaceans / Zahnwale
English Species Name | German Species Name | Scientific Name | Recording Site | Size | Play | |
Bottlenose dolphin |
Großer Tümmler | Tursiops truncatus |
Shannon Estuary, Ireland |
1.55MB | (2) | |
Killer whale | Schwertwal | Orcinus orca | Vestfjord, Norway | 66k | (4) | |
Killer whale | Schwertwal | Orcinus orca | Vestfjord, Norway | 49k | (4) |
(2) recorded by Eugene McKeown (Galway, Ireland) with UltraSoundGate 116-200
(4) recorded by Heike Vester, Ocean Sounds
Insectivorans / Insektenfresser
English Species Name | German Species Name | Scientific Name | Recording Site | Size | Play | |
European water shrew | Wasserspitzmaus | Neomys fodiens | Germany, Müritz National Park | 75k | ||
Common shrew |
Waldspitzmaus |
Sorex araneus |
Germany, Berlin-Nordend
87k |
Rodents / Nagetiere
A collection of ultrasonic vocalizations of laboratory rats and mice is available on the rodents page.
Dogs / Hunde
These dog vocalizations were provided by an anonymous recordist.
Ungulata / Huftiere
English Species Name | German Species Name | Scientific Name | Recording Site | Size | Play | |
Sheep | Schaf | Ovis aries | Germany, Berlin-Luebars | 177k | ||
Horse | Pferd | Equus caballus | Germany, Berlin-Luebars | 124k |
Primates / Primaten
English Species Name | German Species Name | Scientific Name | Recording Site | Size | Play | |
Celebes crested macaque | Schopfmakake | Macaca nigra | Indonesia, North Sulawesi, Tangkoko-Batuangus Nature Reserve | 75k | (1) | |
Celebes crested macaque | Schopfmakake | Macaca nigra | Indonesia, North Sulawesi, Tangkoko-Batuangus Nature Reserve | 64k | (1) | |
Long-tailed macaque (female copulation call) | Javaneraffe | Macaca fascicularis | Indonesia, West Java, Pangandaran Nature Reserve | 591 k | (1) | |
Long-tailed macaque (warning call) | Javaneraffe | Macaca fascicularis | Indonesia, West Java, Pangandaran Nature Reserve | 29k | (1) |
(1) recorded by Antje Engelhardt
Insects / Insekten
The recordings labeled ‘(x10)’ are time-expanded files, which were recorded with Avisoft-UltraSoundGate 116 connected to a laptop computer. In order to make these recordings completely audible, the speed has been slowed-down by the specified factor. All recordings were made in the field (without catching the animals).
English Species Name | German Species Name | Scientific Name | Recording Site | Size | Play | |
Italian tree cricket | Weinhähnchen | Oecanthus pellucens | Germany, Glienicke/Nordbahn near Berlin (map) | 971k | ||
Bordeaux cricket | Südliche Grille | Eumodicogryllus burdigalensis | Greece, Kos (map) | 920k | ||
Field cricket species | Feldgrillenart | Gryllus species? | Hispanola, Samana | 75k | ||
Field cricket | Feldgrille | Gryllus campestris | Germany, Schoenow near Berlin | 340k | ||
Mediterranean field cricket | Mittelmeergrille | Gryllus bimaculatus | Spain, Mallorca, Albufera | 1.14MB | ||
Mediterranean field cricket | Mittelmeergrille | Gryllus bimaculatus | Greece, Kos | 1.07MB | ||
House cricket | Heimchen | Acheta domesticus | Germany, Berlin-Lübars (map) | 306k | ||
House cricket | Heimchen | Acheta domesticus | Germany, Berlin-Arkenberge | 583k | ||
Mottled grasshopper | Gefleckte Keulenschrecke | Myrmeleotettix maculatus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 120k(USG) | (x10) | |
Great Green Bush-cricket | Grünes Heupferd | Tettigonia viridissima | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 398k(USG) | (x10) | |
80k | ||||||
Eastern Green Bush-cricket | Östliches Heupferd | Tettigonia caudata | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) | 1656k(USG) | (x10) | |
332k | ||||||
Roesel’s bush-cricket | Roesels Beißschrecke | Metrioptera roeselii | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 75k(USG) | (x10) | |
51k | ||||||
Roesel’s bush-cricket | Roesels Beißschrecke | Metrioptera roeselii | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 971kB | ||
Short-winged conehead | Kurzflügelige Schwertschrecke | Conocephalus dorsalis | Germany, Berlin-Lübars | 218k(USG) | (x10) | |
Grey bush-cricket | Westliche Beißschrecke | Platycleis albopunctata | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 401k(USG) | (x10) | |
Two-coloured Bush-cricket | Zweifarbige Beißschrecke | Metrioptera bicolor | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 686k(USG) | (x10) | |
Wart biter | Warzenbeißer | Decticus verrucivorus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 155k(USG) | (x10) | |
Speckled bush-cricket | Punktierte Zartschrecke | Leptophyes punctatissima | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 18k(USG) | photo | (x10) |
Speckled bush-cricket | Punktierte Zartschrecke | Leptophyes punctatissima | Germany, Berlin-Niederschönhausen | 43k(USG) | photo | (x10) |
Heath grasshopper | Steppengrashüpfer | Chorthippus vagans | Germany, Schoenow near Berlin | 265k(USG) | (x10) | |
Meadow grasshopper | Gemeiner Grashüpfer | Chorthippus parallelus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 459k(USG) | (x10) | |
92k | ||||||
Meadow grasshopper | Gemeiner Grashüpfer | Chorthippus parallelus | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 473k(USG) | photo | (x10) |
340k | ||||||
Common Field grasshopper | Brauner Grashüpfer | Chorthippus brunneus | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh (map) | 79k(USG) | photo | (x10) |
Verkannter Grashüpfer | Chorthippus mollis | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 310k(USG) | (x10) | ||
Verkannter Grashüpfer | Chorthippus mollis | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 6.51MB | |||
Steppe grasshopper | Wiesengrashüpfer | Chorthippus dorsatus | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 315k(USG124) | wav | |
Large Marsh Grasshopper | Sumpfschrecke | Stethophyma grossum | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde | 954k | photo | |
unidentified grasshopper species | Heuschrecke | ? | Malaysia, Bangi | 493k(USG) | (x10) | |
unidentified Cicadidae species | Singzikade | ? | Hispanola, Samana | 109k | ||
Cicada cretensis | Singzikade, Eschenzikade | Cicada cretensis | Greece, Crete, Rethymnon | 222k | photo | |
Cicada mordoganensis | Singzikade, Eschenzikade | Cicada mordoganensis | Greece, Rodos | 383k | ||
Cicada orni | Singzikade, Eschenzikade | Cicada orni | Greece, Halkidiki, Gerakini (map) | 189k | ||
Cicada barbara | Cicada barbara | Spain, Mallorca | 387k | |||
Cicadatra atra | Schwarze Zikade | Cicadatra atra | Greece, Kos | 645k | ||
Rough-backed Bush-cricket | Kantige Sattelschrecke | Uromenus rugosicollis | Spain, Mallorca | 3.4MB | photo1 photo2 | |
Death’s-head Hawk moth | Totenkopfschwärmer | Acherontia atropos | Germany | 260k | (1) |
(1) recorded by Walter Tilgner
Frogs / Frösche
English Species Name | German Species Name | Scientific Name | Recording Site | Size | Play | |
Common Toad | Erdkröte | Bufo bufo | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) | 67k | photo | |
Common Toad | Erdkröte | Bufo bufo | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) | 20k | ||
Common Toad | Erdkröte | Bufo bufo | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) | 19k | ||
Green Toad | Wechselkröte | Bufo viridis | Greece, Rhodes | 39k | ||
Moor Frog | Moorfrosch | Rana arvalis | Germany, Berlin-Blankenfelde Berlin-Blankenfelde (map) | 184k | ||
Marsh Frog | Seefrosch | Rana ridibunda | Greece, Crete (map) | 155k | photo | |
Edible Frog | Teichfrosch | Rana kl. esculenta | Germany, Berlin-Rosenthal | 8k | ||
Pool Frog | Kleiner Wasserfrosch | Rana lessonae | Germany, Berlin-Wilhelmsruh | 251k | ||
Common Tree Frog | Laubfrosch | Hyla arborea | Greece, Crete | 46k | ||
Stripeless Tree Frog | Mittelmeer-Laubfrosch | Hyla meridionalis | Spain, Andalucia, Alcaidesa (map) | 196k | ||
Fire-bellied Toad | Rotbauchunke | Bombina bombina | Germany, Parsteiner See | 95k | ||
Iberian Green Frog | Iberischer Wasserfrosch | Rana perezi | Spain, Mallorca | 1.38MB |
All recordings (unless indicated otherwise) are copyrighted by Raimund Specht, Avisoft Bioacoustics. If you use any of these recordings, please make a note on the origin and add a link to In case you are interested in one of the recordings that were made by other individuals, which are marked by a footnote “(x)”, you are requested to ask them personally for permission.