Avisoft-RECORDER, version 4.2.2 (21 May 2011)

  • The newly implemented automated call parameter measurements tool (command Options/Automated call measurements settings…) allows quantifying and classifying the detected calls in real-time. The created measurement log files provide a quick overview on the acquired data, which can certainly be useful for bat monitoring applications at remote field stations with low-bandwidth internet access (GSM, GPRS).
  • The bat call trigger filter has been improved by adding a hold time parameter that determines how close calls are treated.
  • The management of the daily (_RECENT) log files has been improved (command “Monitoring”/”Test Signal / Daily log file reset / Run program…”), which now also allows to run external command line programs for sending emails for instance.
  • The new option “Options”/”Large buttons” simplifies the operation of the software on computers with touchscreens.
  • The GPS receiver interface has been improved in order to avoid potential problems in conjunction with BlueTooth GPS receivers.
  • The new acoustic monitor option “digital gain” allows to boost the acoustic output signal, which can be useful in conjunction with the new UltraSoundGate 116Hnb devices that come with a fixed lower gain setting.