Avisoft-SASLab Pro, version 5.1.14 (21 March 2011)
- Loop playback option implemented (command File/Playback settings…).
- The “Avisoft Bioacoustics” data folder management has been improved in order to manage situations where the default folder /username/Documents cannot be accessed (in case the folder is located on a network drive). As a workaround, the desired path can now be specified in the user-created text file /Program Files/Avisoft Bioacoustics/path.txt.
- Improved navigation through detected elements on the automatic parametere measurements (Crtl+ Left/Right Arrow on the spectrogram window moves the spectrogram view to the previous/next element).
- Improved label editing workflow (labels can now immediatley be deleted by right-clicking at them while the Shift key ist pressed).
- Improved Frequency Countour Template cross-correlation
- A peak-to-peak amplitude option on the Spectrogram Parameters dialog box allows to analyze very short pulses that would otherwise averaged out by the FFT window.